There are seasons in our lives and our friendships. Whether you are a young mom who has all single friends or an older mom whose friends have grown children finding mommy friends can be difficult. Every mom needs mom friends.
Where do I find Mommy Friends and Sanity?
Depending on which stage of mommydom you are in will determine where you will locate mommies like you.
Newborn and Young Toddlers
Moms of Newborns and Toddlers have extra challenges because of the pure fact that they are exhausted. The first thing to do is to look for a playgroup, moms group or MOPS group. You can search online, for web groups or meetups. Churches also have moms groups that are geared for different age groups. Playdates for these age groups are more geared for the moms who need to connect with people with like responsibilities.
Young Children
As you enter the young child stage options become more readily available. Your child may be starting preschool or other classes. You can go to parks and playdates without an extremity hanging form you all of the time. Take a minute to talk to the other moms around ~ they are looking for friendly faces too. It isn’t too late to join those groups that you didn’t have the time to join when you were just too exhausted. Volunteering is also a great way to meet other moms.
Elementary School children
When you children start school it can be felt as a big relief. Now you have time to yourself. Time alone can be great but it can be just as frustrating as spending the day with a child in tow. Volunteering was made for the elementary school-aged mom. You can meet moms who have kids the same age as your and can also be a big girl and go out and have lunch at some place that doesn’t have a playground. You can find out about more ways to volunteer here.
Middle and High School
When your kids reach middle and high school they don’t seem to want you around much but that is when you are needed most. Lots of times it is a bus driver, a delivery person or an audience to many games, contest, or performances. Hopefully by this time in your life you have carried through some friends from your other stages. Volunteering and finding activities that you love are ways to find mom friends along the way. This is a time when you tend to find friends that you chose because of your genuine commonalities and not just children of the same ages.
The time you spend with your kids and mom friends can be the best times in your life. As you look back, you will fondly remember how the ladies with a common agenda have made to biggest impact on your life. If the road seems long and hard hang in there, it is really short with many twists and turns along the way.
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